dimecres, 26 d’octubre del 2016


Dear families,
In First cycle, we have worked “La Festa Major”, so in Arts and Crafts Classes we have made different Reus festival elements: eagle, bull, lion and dragon, and to end the lesson, we have done a parade in the school. It had to be in the playground but because of the rain, we have done it in the corridor

Benvolgudes famílies,

En el Cicle Inicial, hem treballat "La Festa Major", de manera que en les classes d'Arts And Crafts hem fet figures de diferents elements festius de Reus: Àliga, Bou, Lleó i Drac, i per posar fí a la lliçó, hem fet una desfilada a l’escola. Havia de ser al pati, però a causa de la pluja, ho fem al passadís.

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