dilluns, 24 d’octubre del 2016

CASSIE, l'auxiliar de conversa d'anglès

Some questions from students of Espígol and Romaní classes (4t): 

- What's your name? I'm Cassie, but my real name is Minh Hien. 
- How old are you? I'm 21 years old
- Where are you from? I'm from Hanoi city (Vietnam)
- Do you have pets? Yes, I do. I have a cat "Merry"
- Do you have brothers or sisters? Yes, I have one brother 
- What's your favourite colour? My favourite colours are red and yellow.
- Where do you live now?  I live in Tarragona, but I study in Reus. 

My country
My flag
Romaní class 

Espígol class 

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